
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Homemade Ravioli

My dear friend Kallie puts up with my many creative whims and ideas. The lastest adventure was making homemade ravioli. I have to say, I have new found appreciation for it - all the time and labor that goes into the cheesey goodness will make me savor every bite a little more. We had to play around with the dough recipe but ended up with something that seemed the right consistency.

Armed with our new French rolling pins we set to work rolling out the dough. Once the dough was rolled, we spooned on the cheese mixture and covered it with the top layer of dough. Then came the stamping.

We used this stamp from Crate and Barrel. A lot of muscle was used to cut through the dough. But all that effort produced about 40 ravioli.

This will be a very enjoyable meal!

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, they were horrible. About 90% dough, 5% cheese and 5% air. :( Must roll dough thinner next time. Still really fun making them!
